How can it be June?

How can it be June 10th already?  The year has flown by.  Some of my Super Kids have been with me for two years and I can’t imagine sending them off in just a few short weeks.

IMG_9741(Group Hug for our friend that is leaving us early for summer!)

This week we have been taking a look back and celebrating our growth as learners.  One of our Super Kids had his last day with us on Thursday, so we were busy getting his things organized to take home with him for the summer.  This process got the whole class looking at our journals and noticing how they wrote at the beginning of the year compared to now.  We organized our art portfolios and took a stroll down memory lane. The kids pulled out all of their pieces and showed each other their favourites.

I’ve been busy assessing reading for reports cards and I’ve made sure to celebrate each child’s reading growth.  The class’ favourite activity right now is “Read to Self”.  It is fifteen uninterrupted minutes of quite reading.  Honestly, it is one of those times in the day when I love to look around at all my students and smile!  I am so glad that they have fallen in love with reading!

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All of our butterflies have hatched and were released this week.  We were very surprised that all of our caterpillars matured into butterflies.  We had many discussions about how sometimes in nature this doesn’t happen.  We were very proud parents. 🙂

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I had butterflies on the brain!  I even saw a gorgeous butterfly at the garden centre with my family.  Of course I had to take a picture to show the class.


In health we have started lessons from the Kids In The Know program.  These lessons involve trusting your instincts and personal safety.  We have been examining scenarios where we need to trust our instincts and say no.  These lessons are very important and I encourage everyone to talk to your families about personal safety.


We’ve been continuing to have our Friday genius hour every week.  The kids look forward to it and have created some amazing projects.  One Super Kid even presented their project to our 3/4 buddies!

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Thank you to this Super Kid’s family for bringing in this science lesson provocation!  Lesson plan out the window and we learned all about woodpeckers, why they make holes in trees, and their life cycle.  That is my favourite kind of day!  Student driven inquiry!


Enjoy your weekend!

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