Welcome Back!

I hope everyone had a wonderful spring break with their families.  The class was excited to share what they did with each other during morning meeting on Monday.  They were thrilled to share their adventures and see each other again.

The students have been learning some new math games together as a whole group and then playing them during guided math time.  These games practice mental math strategies at different skill levels. When students join me for a guided math lesson they focus on developing their number awareness and ability to use a variety of math strategies. You know they enjoy this time when they ask if they can play these games during choice time centres at the end of the day!


We’ve decided to do a reader’s theatre based on “The Lorax”.  The Super Kids are over the moon! Each student has a part that they are busy practicing at school and at home.  Thank you to our families for helping us.  We can’t wait to make props, costumes and perform it for the grandparents that are coming for senior’s day later in the month.  The class started this by reusing our spaceship and turning it into the Once-ler’s house.  We have a tent set up for the young Once-ler’s shop and have a plan to make trees next week.


We have had amazing weather in Winnipeg this week.  Thursday was 15C.  After snack I surprised the class and told them we were heading outside for centres!  Honestly…I needed some fresh air and the kids love having the whole playground to themselves every once in a while. 🙂


Enjoy the weekend.



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