November Highlights

Did you know that Diwali was on November 4th? Some of the Super Kids celebrate Diwali.  We were excited to spend the day learning more about this holiday together.  Ms. Natasha, our EA, shared how she celebrates with her family.  We read books, danced a traditional dance, made a Diwali lantern, and an art project.  The kids that celebrate this holiday with their family were eager to share their traditions with us.  We even drew the Taj Mahal!


We continued this month to learn how animals adapt to their surrounds.  Each student choose a nocturnal animal to learn more about.  Using the Pebble Go website and library books for research, each student created their own project complete with diorama.  Each diorama needed to include the animals habitat, water source, food, and a home.  Then, using the iMotion app, the class learned how to make a stop motion video.  Check out our movies below!

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Mme. Meg, our teacher librarian, came to our classroom with a special visitor…her tortoise.

After reading the Indigenous story of the 13 moons, we each got to touch his shell.  The kids loved watching him walk around the carpet and ask questions about him.

Remembrance Day is a day for each of us to stop and remember.  Explaining this day to 5 and 6 year olds can be tricky. We talked about why people wear poppies in November.  We discussed how they’re made, why they’re made, where you can get them, and how the money goes to veterans and their families.  As you can imagine, there were many questions and your child might have many for you on the topic.  The concept of war is very big so the only way I know to explain it is to relate it to our playground.  We discussed how the world is like a playground.  Sometimes you get along with others and sometimes you have disagreements.  It is how you solve those problems that is important.  You have to use your words and listen to each other.  Sometimes countries can’t use their words or compromise.  They fight each other and Canada’s role is to try to help keep the peace and help those countries talk.  Sometimes this works and sometimes it doesn’t.  One Super Kid said that the world leaders need to come to our school to learn how to talk to each other.  🙂

We watched the following video and talked about what the kids thought was happening and how with no words just video the message was shared.

We then learned about the artist Georgia O’Keeffe.

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She was an artist who looked at object close up and created wonderful pieces of art.  She is famous for her flower pieces.  Several of them are poppies.

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We created our own poppy art inspired by Georgia’s work and in honour of Remembrance Day.

The Super Kids have been busy developing their number sense.  Math centers, math chats, interactive activities, and practicing in their skill builders all are activities that help develop their understanding of number.

After reading the book “The Royal Treasure Measure” the class estimated and measured each other friends with their feet.  The kids can’t wait to measure their parents during our home sharing for our virtual conferences!  Be ready parents. 😉

We have two amazing Educational Assistants that help us in our classroom.  Everyone in our classroom is learning something and some of our friends need some assistance throughout their day.  I want to recognize these two wonderful ladies, that help all of us learn everyday.  Thank you Ms. Natasha and Mrs. Fabrri for everything you do for all of our students.  The Super Kids are so lucky to have you working with us every day. 🙂

The snowy weather finally came and with it came snowman building, snow angels, and forts on the playground.  Watching all this take place outside my classroom window inspired me to turn our classroom into a winter wonderland.  So far we’ve cut out snowflakes for our windows and create snowman artwork for our bulletin board.

This coming week is virtual student led conferences and the 5oth Day of school.  Stay turned to hear all about it.  Take care. 🙂