Superhero States of Matter

This has been a busy week for the Super Kids!  We have been learning about the states of matter in science.  The kids are learning the similarities and differences between solids, liquids and gases.  We have acted like particles, conducted experiments and recorded our observations in our science journals.  Then we realized something.  Have you ever noticed that superheroes usually can change the state of matter?  Well this was an exciting topic in the classroom.  We decided to come up with our own superheroes.  The kids had to pick if they could be a super hero would they become a solid, liquid, or gas.  They had to come up with a name and what their power would be.  Some kids talked about changing states of matter, like Lava Guy.  Others thought that being a gas would help them be invisible so they could take cookies whenever they wanted.  We wanted to share a few of our stories so far.  These samples are from both our grade one and grade two writers.

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Of course writing isn’t enough for this topic!  We had to sketch our superheroes today.  It was so much fun!  After talking about the fact that there are no mistakes in art just opportunities, the kids jumped into the activity with lots of enthusiasm.  We wanted to share a few of our sketches with you.


Have a super day!


The Super Kids

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