February is off to a roaring start…

This week has been a bit of a strange one.  So many of my students were sick and it seemed like we had a rotating door of students coming back and others falling ill.  Monday we had 6 away, Tuesday 7, Wednesday 8, and Thursday 5.  We didn’t have school on Friday, so I hope that everyone is on the mend!

We took this time to finish projects, review skills, and talk about staying healthy.  During morning meeting we discussed how we can prevent spreading germs by washing our hands, coughing into our sleeves, and sneezing away from friends.  We read books about it and even watched a “Sid the Science Kid” video about germs.

The Super Kids worked on their space research projects this week and shared them with each other.

One exploration centre this week was all about constellations.  The student got to create their own constellations using glass beads.

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, so we decided to create our own hearts using pastels and water colour paint.  Each student was encouraged to create their heart using a variety of shapes and designs.

On Thursday, we started the day with genius hour.  As a class we discussed how you can generate questions about a topic.  We reviewed what are question words like who, what, when, where, did etc.

They were off!  Each Super Kids grabbed their folder, a computer if they needed it, and were off thinking and questioning about a topic of their choice.  Subjects range from Lego, Pokemon, tigers, legends of lake monsters, and many more!  They are pumped!  Make sure to ask your child what they want to learn about.  What are they excited about?  You may be able to help guide, provide information, or help encourage your child’s enthusiasm.

On a different note, I love watching my students play games.  I enjoy watching them strategize and plan their next move.  Three of my students challenged each other at centre time this week.  It lasted days!  When centre time started they would run to the checkers board and shout out checkers!  It put a smile on my face every time.  🙂

I hope all of my Super Kids are feeling better and I look forward to seeing them on Monday.  I’m crossing my fingers.  🙂


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