Design Process Testing

We were waiting for the perfect day to test our solar ovens and it finally came on Thursday.  The sun was out, there was little wind, and the kids came in pumped to test their designs.  We headed outside in the afternoon and decided together that the front of the school by our classroom window would be the ideal spot to conduct our experiment.  Just as we were about to start a construction crew began jack hammering the concrete in front of the school!  Not discouraged at all…we just talked louder and thought it was funny to yell at each other to be heard.  I think the crew took pity on us, and they decided to take a coffee break while we were outside.  Of course we waved and thanked them.


We set a timer and recorded what we saw on our clipboards.  The chocolate melted very fast!  The students used mirrors, magnifying glasses, reflective CDs, and even a black sweater to attract the heat and light from the sun.


It took less then ten minutes for the marshmallow to get soft and we had to try our s’mores!


The class loved their sweet treat and testing their designs!

This week we started our research project on an animal that you might see camping.  We used the Pebble Go website to find out about their habitat, food, appearance, and life cycles.  Mrs. Haine’s class joined us for an unexpected visit when one of their classmates got sick and they had to leave the room.  They joined a Super Kid and started researching together.  In fact they stayed with us until recess just because they were enjoying the process. 🙂

It’s been a hot week in Winnipeg and the forecast is for more heat this week.  Remember your water bottles, hats and sunscreen Super Kids!


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