Welcome Back!

It’s been a while since our last blog post!  The Super Kid’s are back from spring break and ready to tackle the last three months of school.  Mother Nature needs to be reminded that it’s actually spring, because we sure have had some cold and snowy days over the last few weeks. Luckily things are melting and heading in the right direction. 😉

March was a busy month in the Super Kid’s classroom.

In the beginning of March we had Pink Shirt Day.  Not to be confused with the upcoming “International Day Of Pink”.  Pink Shirt Day was a day to wear pink and be reminded that kindness counts and standing up for others is important.  Our class read books about kindness, wrote about it in our journals, and made chain reactions.

After watching the video below about how one kind act leads to another and talking about what we noticed in the video, the class was partnered up to create their own chain reaction of kindness using dominos.  One action leads to another.

They could have made these all day!  Check out a few examples.

video 1

video 2

video 3

The week of St. Patrick’s Day was an exciting one.  After reading about how to catch a leprechaun, the class dove into designing traps with recyclable materials from home and at school.

Hardcover How to Catch a Leprechaun Book

The day before St. Patrick’s Day was our designing day.  Creating these STEM projects is one of my favourite things about my job.  The creativity, patience, and problem solving that happens during these times is amazing.  Kids develop critical thinking skills and have to pivot their designs when something doesn’t work.  I love how it gives kids the opportunity to shine and help others.

The next morning the class was so excited to come into the classroom. Did we caught a leprechaun? They quickly ran to their traps and found a surprise waiting for them.  Footprints!!!

Traps had been sprung!  Nets were down! Secret hidden holes were pushed through! We didn’t catch a leprechaun that day, but we did get a challenge from Lucky the Leprechaun.  It came in a small envelope addressed to our class.

The class had to complete a series of activities to earn each colour of the rainbow to earn a price.  Each activity completed earn a matching coloured pipe cleaner.  The game board had a few detour movement breaks built it.  Our “Unlock A Rainbow” Day was a huge hit.  Activities included math problems, rainbow science, bubble science, a rainbow foods activity and much more.

It was a day full of making connections to our science units, math skills, and word work activities. The kids had a blast and I did too!

Once all the challenges were complete the kids had to create a rainbow with the correct sequence of colours with their pipe cleaners and some plasticine.

Thank you to Mrs. Dulder who took me up on the parent invitation sent out to our class families to read to our class virtually.

The Super Kids learned about communities in an inquiry unit about urban and rural communities.  How are they the same? How are they different.  In this unit our class learned about maps, how to read a map, and how to draw one.  They learned about directions and legends.  They showed their learning by mapping their own bedrooms and sharing it with the class.  Some even tried to draw globes and worked on puzzles of Canada.

We created art projects of an urban and rural community.

Each student researched a community helper and organized their ideas using a bubble map.

We then created our own green screen videos sharing our learning. Check out the videos I can share below. 🙂

video 1

video 2

video 3

video 4

video 5

video 6

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video 13

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video 15

video 16

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video 18

The class is very excited to share their reading ability with the class. Many of the Super Kids have asked to share a story with the class during story time.  Each day another student shares a book that they have practiced.


I have to admit this is my favourite time of the school year.  After Spring break everything clicks.  The kids are so enthusiastic about their learning!  The past two years haven’t provided us the opportunity to fully run with this excitement with lock downs and remote learning.  Being able to rearrange my classroom into table groupings and being able to share again has made a huge difference! Check out few candid shots below.

This past week we had some interesting weather.  It decided to sleet on Monday and Tuesday off and on.  Students came ready for snow or rain even with umbrellas.  It inspired our spring art project below.


Friday was Autism Acceptance Day in our school.  One of school’s Educational Assistant, Mr. K, organized it.  He himself has autism and talked to many classes about his experiences in school growing up.  I’ve had the pleasure of working with Mr. K last year in my classroom and he is a wonderful ambassador for this cause. Check out the link below to the lovely book that Mr. K read to use about how everyone is unique.

I’m looking forward another amazing week with the Super Kids and meeting our two new classmates.  Take care. 🙂


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