Summer is here!

This week has been packed full of activities!  There is a buzz in the air of our school.  The students, teachers, and families are excited.  SUMMER IS ALMOST HERE! T MINUS 1 DAY AND COUNTING…

Today was “Bump Up Day” and “Skittles Day”.  The Super Kids that are moving into grade 3 next year, got to meet their teachers and our classroom welcomed our new friends from the Kindergarten classes.  Everyone was nervous, including me!  Next, we participated in “Skittles” which is our field day.  The students spent the morning going from station to station completing the tasks and earning skittles.  We were wishing the rain clouds away, but it didn’t work. We ended up moving inside.  Our amazing P.E. teachers quickly set up the activities in the halls, gym, and classrooms.  In less then 15 minutes we were up and running again!

This week we created our own pattern block insects to complete our bug unit.  Below are a few examples of what the kids came up with.

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Those students that hadn’t presented their passion projects did so today.  There were 10 presentations.  Below are a few pictures of some of the presentations.

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I want to thank everyone who has subscribed to our classroom blog this year.  I hope that you have enjoyed being a fly on our classroom wall. 🙂 The point of this blog is to keep families informed, but also to reach out into the world and make connections.  I will be continuing the blog in September and thank everyone for helping us make our year memorable.

A Special Note:

Dear Parents,

I give you back your child, the same child you confidently entrusted to my care last fall. I give them back pounds heavier, inches taller, months wiser, more responsible, and more mature than they were then.

Although they would have attained their growth in spite of me, it has been my pleasure and privilege to watch them personality unfold day by day. I give them back reluctantly. We have spent a year together and in some cases two, in the narrow confines of a crowded classroom. We’ve grown close.

We have laughed, played, studied, learned, and enriched our lives together this year. I have watched each student develop their own sense of wonder.

For those students that are moving on from our Super Kid classroom, I wish them well. I will always consider them “my kids” and be interested in their lives.

For those students that are returning to my classroom, I’m looking forward to seeing them again in the fall. I can only imagine what we will learn about next!

Enjoy your summer!


Michelle Didyk

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4 thoughts on “Summer is here!

  1. Aidan’a 1 word to describe his grade 1 teacher and experience is AWESOME. He looks forward to another year of superclass. Thank u for making his transition to ILCS very positive.

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