Snowman, Winter Concert, and Coding

My drive to work every morning only takes me a few minutes.  I’m lucky to have a 7 minute commute.  I know… it’s awesome especially since I pass a Tim Horton’s coffee shop too.  The other day I had my daughter take this picture over my shoulder as we came up to her school bus stop right by my school. I know…another very lucky part of my morning.  The sun was coming up over the houses in our school community and it was so pretty!  You can see the school on the left side of the picture.


The past two weeks we have spent time exploring the coding program Kodable.  The class enjoys the opportunity to program their character to maneuver through a maze that they have created!  The class enjoys it while working on both problem solving and deductive reasoning.

The class also unplugged and used their new found coding tools to direct our new robot friends “Bee-Bot” to move to where we as a class wanted them to go.  Students created their codes on whiteboards entered the directions on the robot and watched to see if they were correct.  If not, they had to start over.  We used Mrs. G’s picture grid to connect it to our knowledge of vowels.  For example…code Bee-Bot to use all four arrows and land on a picture with a short i sound.



Our guided math centers focused on number sense development with some groups working on rolling and adding dice, others rolling and subtracting dice, and others working on adding two digit numbers with regrouping.


We modified our large snakes and ladders games by adding two dice together before moving.

Next week is the start of Hanukkah.  Through our study of family traditions and winter celebrations, we learned that some families celebrate Hanukkah.  We used wooden dreidels to learn a Hanukkah math game that will be a math center this week.

On Friday we visited Ms. L’s multiage 2/3 classroom across the hall.  We played a French game with them acted out emotion words.

Snowman books are a must at this time of the year!  I can’t think of a better inspiration for an art activity! While practicing our winter concert songs we created our own snowman at night inspired by the books “Snowman At Night” and  “Snow Scene”.

This coming week is our much anticipated winter concert!  The kids have been practicing their songs in music class and in our classroom.  We are so excited to share their hard work with you! The stage is set…we’ll see you soon!





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